Hi Guys,
over the past few weeks I've been seriously improving gear and skillz lol, to start doing some PVE raids and heroics...getting there now, and I the thing is, it's hard and soometimes a waste of time to do pugs (pick up groups) for this lvl of pveing.
After doing bit over half of Kara with a bunch of guys all from the same guild, I've been invited to join.
I would like mor than anything to get this guild up to that lvl, but it would require more work than I'm willing to put in...
At the moment it's best kept as a lvling guild.
Anyway I was going to pass leadership to Revenga, via Elude..
If anyone else would prefer to take over, then let me know and I'll pass the reignes to one of you.
I'll still be on Revenga from time to time, and I'll jump on TS frequently.
Talk to you soon guys, you have my skype, so dont be shy